By promoting green products, applying environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions, Viglacera has affirmed its position as one of the pioneers in “conquering” the Net Zero tendency in Viet Nam.

Net Zero (or Net Zero emissions) is no longer a strange term to businesses in the era of climate change, which is an urgent issue. Net Zero requires businesses to cut carbon emissions to zero from every internal business and supply chain.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2022, the world’s global CO2 emissions reached 37 billion tons – the highest level since 1900. In which, Vietnam is one of the 20 countries with the highest amount of emissions in the world. Therefore, Net Zero is not only a challenge but also one of the top targets that every business is aiming for, in order to reduce Vietnam’s emissions in the future.

Viglacera’s energy-saving glass coating line conquers the Net Zero

Applying “green” construction materials development and implementing many smart production methods, Viglacera has been taking practical steps to reduce emissions towards sustainable development. From the very early awareness of taking green manufacturing methods as a guideline, from the source of input materials to the manufacturing process, Viglacera has researched, selected and converted input material sources towards environmentally friendly methods. Practical methods are applied in manufacturing such as: using 10-20% of recycled materials and scraps which recovered in the process of using in the market or converting to fuel line of CNG gas instead of fuel oil (FO) to melt glass, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 20%.

The “green” construction material solutions such as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC, ALC), Energy-saving Glass (LowE, Solar Control), Ceramic tiles and sanitary equipment… are products that mark the diffidence of Viglacera in the market.

The “green” construction materials mark the diffidence of Viglacera in the market.

In particular, it is worth mentioning the optimal energy-saving glass solution that Viglacera launched in the LowE and Solar Control glass product lines. Viglacera has invested in an energy-saving glass manufacturing line with a capacity of 2.3 million m2/year to produce high-grade insulating and heat-resistant glass products, applying the most recent modern technology. These green products help saving up to 51% of electricity costs, blocking up to 79% of solar radiation and 99% of UV rays, thereby bringing practical benefits in terms of cost and durability to the investors as well as users.

Currently, Viglacera continues to expand investment in super white float glass manufacturing factory, leading domestic enterprises to supply billet glass used in solar battery production, confidently becoming the first and only glass floating line in Vietnam.

Besides, sintered stone under the brand name Vasta Stone is also one of the outstanding green products that Viglacera has launched since the end of 2022. The product is manufactured on modern chain imported from Italy Sacmi Continua+ using PCR, the continuous flat-rolling technology (pressing strength reaches 450 kg/cm2) to produce large-size sintered stone slabs with absolute flatness with outstanding product quality, diversity in surface which can completely replace natural stone and wood, helping to limit exploitation of natural resources and easily reuse.

Viglacera has always maintained the commitment to accompany the Government’s sustainable development strategy with technical innovations and investment in new technologies, together conquering the challenge of bringing net emissions to zero and reducing global methane emissions by 2050.
